Selasa, 02 September 2014

How to Take Care used Car (Second Cheap Cars)

Used car (second cheap cars) is a vehicle that is in need of special treatment in treatment, because with age of course there is also a need to be replaced, it is one of the risks that we must tolerate. We know that the components in one car so it countless really have to know the conditions on each component. Of nut bolts are innumerable, but we do not need to check one by one but we are looking for just the bolt / nut that is the most important role in it as what existing body bolts loose or even need to be replaced or the engine mounting bolts should also be checked for what needs to be replaced what is not. The position of the bolts were sometimes even nothing has changed because of friction or vibration from the engine so that too makes no precision anymore. The most easy and needs to be checked it is an open bolt position and was instrumental in driving comfort as Shockbreaker bolts, steering stabilizer, body bolts and screws check no less important either brake or the hand brake tread too deep or too hard what not what not. Check all brake see the condition there is no need to change anything, do not forget to check the brake fluid. The elements of the accident was mostly caused by the condition of the brakes is not good, because they do not know the condition it is often an accident. For vehicle engines should always be checked every day, listen to the sound of the engine is there a component machine must be repaired or replaced. Check the cables engines such as spark plug wires what is leaking resulting in maximal in the combustion process. To the carburetor should be frequently cleaned and give the filter to filter out impurities contained in the gasoline or diesel fuel because it can lead to blockage. Clean the engine from dirt dust or soil that could damage the engine, check the battery, the battery either water or bolt on the battery condition and make sure not to loose a powerful blend. Friends so hopefully this can be a bit of help you in caring for your vehicle.

Tips memilih mobil bekas (Second Cheap Cars)

Membeli mobil bekas murah (Second Cheap Cars)
harus benar-benar pintar dalam memilihnya dan benar-benar harus bisa mengenali kondisi mobil bekas tersebut. Inilah tips dalam memilih mobil bekas. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain
1.      Cek surat-surat kendaraan apa masih lengkap dan asli
2.      cek fisik sebelum melakukan transaksi.
3.      Cek latar belakangnya

Dalam pengecekan fisik yang perlu diperhatikan.

Bodi mobil :
  • warna cat apa sudah pudar.
  •  ketok dengan telunjuk untuk memastikan bebas dempul karena suaranya akan beda.
  • Lihat dari depan, belakang dan samping untuk cek kelurusan bodi mobil, perhatikan juga apa bodinya miring.
  • Cek dan lihat pintu-pintunya apakah pintu dapat terbuka dan tertutup dengan mulus apa kasar serta bisa ditutup dengan pelan.
  • Lihat juga sewaktu pintu ditutup masih simetris apa tidak dan berada pada tempatnya.
  • Perhatikan posisi dan kondisi keempat ban apa sudah benar dan jangan lupa tanyakan ban serep ada tidak. Lalu kondisi ban apa masih bagus.
  • cek kaca depan, belakang, maupun kaca samping apakah telah dilengkapi dengan tambahan kaca film dan kondisinya masih jernih apa sudah buram atau lihat apa ada goresan. Pastikan juga wiver masih lengkap dan berfungsi baik.
 Bagian dalam mobil
  • cek keaslian bagian dalam mobil termasuk kursi jok, tape mobil . karena ada beberapa pedagang kadang mengganti bagian interior atau membohongi kita biar kelihatan baru padahal usia kendaraan sudah tua.
  • Selanjutnya jangan lupa periksa dashboard, apakah ada yang pecah, retak dan banyak goresan .
  • Periksa kabel-kabelnya, ada sambungannya tidak kalau ada, apa sambungannya benar apa tidak dan apakah sudah tersusun rapih.
  • Periksa bagian atap dan lantainya apa ada yang karatan atau rusak.
  • Cek juga persnelengnya masih bagus apa ada yang aus lalu untuk perpindahan gigi porsneleng harus lembut.
  • Periksa injakan gas kopling, dan rem tidak keras.
mengecek mesin sewaktu hidup
  • sewaktu kunci diputar kearah ON  maka mesin harus langsung hidup.
  • Fanbelt yang sudah jelek atau kurang bagus akan mengeluarkan bunyi berdecit.
  • Dengarkan baik-baik suara mesinnya masih halus atau ada suara-suara deritan dan sebagainya dengan cara membuka kap depan.
  • cek kemudi dengan memutar kekiri dan kekanan, lalu perhatikan speling stirnya jangan terlalu jauh.
  • nyalakan lampu-lampu apa ada yang mati, tape mobilnya rusak apa tidak, AC bocor atau tidak, lampu Sen bermasalah apa tidak, klakson dan lain-lainnya, pastikan semua dalam kondisi bagus.
  • Sebaiknya kita lakukan test drive untuk mengetahui keseimbangan dan kondisi mobil.
Setelah kita sudah tahu kondisi mobil maka kita dapat menentukan harga mobilnya. Dan pastikan harga mobil tersebut tidak jauh berbeda dengan perkiraan kita. apabila seluruh kondisi mobilnya bagus sebaiknya  kita beli  sesuai dengen harga di pasaran. Namun apabila masih memerlukan biaya perbaikan mobil, maka kita kurangi harganya sesuai biaya yang akan terpakai . Baiklah sampai disini dulu dan selamat menikmati kendaraan anda , terimakasih

Tips on Choosing a Second Cheap Cars

Buying a Second Cheap Cars should be really clever in selecting and really should be able to recognize the condition of the Second Cheap Cars . These are tips in choosing a Second Cheap Cars . The things that need to be considered include
1 Check what the vehicle papers are still full and original
2. physical check before making a transaction.
3 Check background
In the physical checks that need to be considered.
Car body:
What color paint is faded.
word of the index finger to ensure free putty because his voice would be different.
View from the front, rear and side to check the straightness of the car body, pay attention to what the body is tilted.
Check and see if the doors can be opened and closed doors with smooth what can be covered with a rough and slow.
See also symmetric when the door is closed or not and still be in place.
Note the position and condition of all four tires of what is correct and do not forget to check the spare tire there is not. Then what condition the tires are still good.
check the windshield, rear, and side glass if it is equipped with an additional window film and what conditions are still clearly see what has been blurred or no scratches. Make sure also wiver still complete and functioning well.
  The interior of the car
check the authenticity of the inside of the car including seat upholstery, car tape. because there are some traders sometimes replace the interior or lie we'll look new when the vehicle is old age.
Then do not forget to check the dashboard, if there are broken, cracked and many scratches.
• Check the cables, there are connections that are not there, what the connections are correct or not and if it is arranged neatly.
Check the roof and floor of what there is blemished or damaged.
Check also
a transmmission still good if there are worn and need to shift gears transmmission soft.
Check the gas pedal clutch, and brake hard.
check engine still alive
ON when the key turned in the direction it should direct engine life.
Fanbelt already poor or lack of good will emit a squeak.
Listen carefully to the sound of the engine is still smooth or no creaking noises and so on by opening the front hood.
check the steering by turning left and right, and then note the spelling
steering wheel not too far away.
turn on the lights if there is dead, his car damaged tape or not, air conditioner leaking or not, what troubled Sen no lights, horn and others, ensure all in good condition.
Should we do a test drive to find out the balance and condition of the car.
Once we know the condition of the car then we can determine the price of the car. And make sure the price of the car is not much different from our estimates. if all of the good condition of the car should we buy the appropriate acknowledgment is priced in the market. However, if it still requires a car repair costs, then we reduce costs as costs that will be used. Well up here first and enjoy your vehicle, thanks